Comprehensive Costing

For Understanding of Costing Concepts, Techniques and Conceptual Framework.

Course Summary

This is a comprehensive course, covering each topic in detail. In this course you will learn the Cost Accounting basic concepts, theories, and techniques which deals with conceptual frame work. You will learn the following:  (check the Course curriculum below)

Course Curriculum

Pankaj Dhingra

CMA Pankaj Dhingra,

With 30+ Years of experience in Accounts, Costing and Controlling, Pankaj has mastered the Costing and Controlling. He is Founder Member of the Saurabh System Development Network LLP, a software company which provides solutions for Costing and Controlling.

Course Pricing

Comprehensive Costing

9999 INR

  • An Opportunity to Learn Costing and Earn by Teaming up with CMA Pankaj Dhingra

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